Updated 10/10/22

When the dance floor is open, here are protocols and practices for all of us:

Take personal responsibility for the health and safety of the community.
You are coughing, sneezing, have a fever or chills, lost your sense of smell or taste, feel fatigued, experience shortness of breath, have stomach issues, or just don’t feel 100%.
- You, or someone in your household or immediate pod, were exposed to COVID-19 in the past 7 days.
To support the overall health of the community, we request that you self-test for COVID-19 if you become sick within 48 hours of attending a dance and notify us if positive

Every dancer must sign in. The sign-in will include a simple waiver acknowledging awareness of the risks associated with both dancing and COVID-19. If necessary, it will also enable easy contact tracing.

Doors close at 7:30.
When the warm-up ends, the space is closed. This allows everyone in attendance to know who is on the dance floor with them that evening. It also lets the greeters step away from their role and dance.

Mask wearing is a personal choice.
We support mask-wearing and encourage everyone to do whatever feels best for them.